Mental Health in Journalism Summit
All 50 session recordings already available!
Let’s continue building a global movement for healthier media together!
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This tier reflects the actual costs incurred by The Self-Investigation to provide continued access to the content generated during the Summit, ensuring the sustainability of our global movement. These costs include technological expenses such as hosting platforms, website maintenance, and other related services.
Recommended for freelance media workers, media professionals from nonprofit organizations, and those in similar financial situations.
This tier is for participants from the Global South, acknowledging regional disparities in financial capacity.
Free access is provided to members of historically marginalized communities and individuals who would otherwise be unable to access the event content due to financial constraints.
Opening session: Global Voices, Shared Struggles: The Power of Support in Journalism
Does Constructive Journalism Protect Us from Burnout and Depression?
How to Ask “Are You Okay?” Without Being Afraid of the Answer
Mental Health of Journalists in Exile: Facing Multiple Crises Simultaneously
Online Abuse Self-Defense: Don’t Forget Psychosocial Support
Psychological Rehabilitation of Ukrainian Journalists During the War: What Methods Work?
Reporting Responsibly on Campus Suicide: Student Experiences Reporting on Suicide on University Campuses
Trauma-Aware Journalism: A News Industry Toolkit
Covering Gaza: The Mental Health Toll of Reporting in War Zones
[ESPAÑOL] TRE®: Ejercicios para la liberacion del estres y el trauma
[ESPAÑOL] Bienestar digital para periodistas
[ESPAÑOL] Estrategias prácticas para mitigar el burnout en las redacciones
[ESPAÑOL] Acompañar periodistas en el exilio: Experiencias y estrategias
[ESPAÑOL] Sesión magistral: Trabajar bajo amenaza
Assume the Best: How a New Theory of Humanity Is Changing How We Report, Respond, and Run Newsrooms
Being a Peer Supporter: Explore Your Potential
Beyond Journalism: Lessons on Mental Health and Wellbeing from Other Industries
Decoding Online Harassment: An Analytical Approach to Tackling Online Hate and Smear Campaigns
Do It Yourself: How to Build Your Own Peer Support Network
Empower Her: Mental Health Support for Women Journalists in Bangladesh
Implementing Journalist Peer Support Programs – Lessons from Those Who Have Done It: 2006 to Now!
Journalism’s Open Secret: When Alcohol Use Turns into Abuse
Prioritizing Self-Care: Tools to Combat Burnout and Stress for Journalists
Rethinking Journalists’ Mental Well-Being in Italy, Greece, and Portugal
Voices of Resilience: Overcoming Mental Health Challenges in Journalism
[ESPAÑOL] Salud mental en colectivo: la sala de redacción como el primer lugar de apoyo
[ESPAÑOL] ¿Cómo es la salud mental de los periodistas iberoamericanos?
[ESPAÑOL] Cómo convertirse en agente de bienestar en la redacción
[ESPAÑOL] Cómo ejercer el periodismo constructivo puede mejorar nuestra salud mental
[ESPAÑOL] Cómo dejar de ser nuestros peores críticos: El poder de la amabilidad y la compasión en el día a día
[ESPAÑOL] Charlas relámpago
[ESPAÑOL] Red de periodistas LGBTI+: Cómo creamos nuestras propias redes de contención y acompañamiento ligadas al cuidado colectivo entre periodistas LGBTIQA+
Fixing Newsrooms: 10 Best Practices from Around The Globe
Moral Injury and Moral Courage: How Journalists Can Protect Their Mental Health When Faced with Stories That Impact Their Consciences
[ESPAÑOL] Cultivando una cultura de salud mental: Nuestro viaje
Behind the Byline: Creating a Culture of Care and Mental Wellbeing in Journalism
Building Resilience: How Journalism Organizations and News Leaders are Supporting Mental Health
How Might Leaders use AI to Promote Employee Wellbeing?
How to Make Wellbeing Happen Economically: The Role of HR, Funders & Fellowships
Key Takeaways for Psychologists to Offer Support to Journalists
Lightning Talks
Mental Health as a Collective: The Newsroom as the First Place of Support
Psychosocial Safety in Broadcasting: Why a Compassionate Perspective Leads to Better Journalism
Staying True to Your Health While Uncovering the Truth — Lessons from Fact-Checking Leaders
The Kids Aren't Alright: Facilitating Workplace Wellbeing for Gen Z Journalists
[ESPAÑOL] Cómo cuidarse mientras se lucha contra la desinformación: Lecciones de líderes de fact-checking
[ESPAÑOL] Más allá del punto final: El cuerpo y la presencialidad para reconectar con el propósito de nuestro oficio
[ESPAÑOL] Protocolos de cobertura de riesgo con enfoque a la salud mental para evitar el estrés post traumático
[ESPAÑOL] Qué deberían saber los psicólogos para ayudar a periodistas
Ensuring the Future of Work Enables the Future of Journalism
[ESPAÑOL] La comunicación: clave para liderar con bienestar